Sustainability is turning into a success factor for business
Around the globe, activities to protect the climate are on the rise; crises, hunger, violence, and war – also in Europe again -, massive loss of credibility of institutions in society and the never-ending Corona pandemic: The environment for companies and institutions is changing rapidly and dramatically. The acceptance of entire industries in society, such as banks, the automotive industry, but also the chemical and plastics industries, are one focus of public debate. Stakeholders are scrutinizing economic and institutional behavior, and they are asking for transparent social benefits; sustainability is consequently becoming a business case. Furthermore, economic operations should not just be less harmful, not just destroy and pollute less, but create useful and safe products for the biosphere and technosphere right from the beginning.
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The course is set towards sustainability
The good news is that a drive toward sustainability has long been underway in business and society, not just characterized by idealistic and agenda-driven beliefs, but also by increasingly clear guidelines from the financial sector. Green’ is no longer a lifestyle; green has become an economic imperative deciding on lending and ratings.
An effective communication setup for sustainability is decisive for profit and loss on the markets.
Henning Küll